Formula of Points of happiness

One of the most interesting results of these requests is final result called "Points of happines" (POH).
You can find it on the end of every form. More points = more happiness. There is no upper limit.

1. First of all I have to calculate with all answered questions. If I have only one question without answer, it's not possible to calculate POH, because of the objectivity.
2. Every price has a special coefficient, including the value of "subjective standart living", which is multiplied with the price (in USD or EUR). (For example food prices are more important for life than prices of a new car.)
3. When I re-count every price with the special coefficient, I sum these values. This total value represents one hypothetical buy.
4. Now I calculate, how many wages I need for one hypothetical buy.
The formula is: AVERAGE WAGE / 1 HYPOTHETICAL BUY * 100
5. Then I calculate it with the common wage and I do average of this two values = this is the POH value - points of happiness.

And what about you country? ;-)